Performance Experience

Emily Pate

Performance Experience Responses

Create a post of your responses to the following to work toward more peak performance experiences.

  1. Describe how you want to experience your next performance. Imagine walking on stage: How do you want to feel physically? What kinds of thoughts do you want to be having? What emotions do you want to experience?

I always prefer to be calm and prepared to sing. I keep positive energy in my mind and peaceful emotions. I am not easily rattled and I prefer to keep it this way.

  • How would you like to come across to your audience? What image do you want to convey through your stage entrances, exits, and bows?

I like to come across as in control of the stage through my body language and the tone of my slate (introducing myself and my piece.) I want to look like a queen in terms of grace and poise!

  • Have you recently videotaped a performance and later watched it with a mentor to discuss your stage presence? If not, when might you be able to do this?

Yes. Each time I sing in voice lab Professor Beasley and I reflect on my growth or areas I can still improve upon.

  • How do you experience performance anxiety? Describe your specific symptoms:
    • Physical: I close my eyes and sometimes my mouth quivers.
    • thought patterns (self-talk): “don’t mess up” “Focus on your breath” “Stand taller”
    • feelings: Depending on the song, I am nervous about a specific section. Nine times out of ten I am filling my mind with positive energy.
  • Have you ever experienced discomfort during or after practice? What have you done as a result of feeling this discomfort?

I have lost confidence after a practice session, but I don’t ever feel physical discomfort other than fatigue. I typically do a cool down as I finish rehearsing. I also try to rehearse late in the day so I don’t have anymore singing to do.

  • How often do you take breaks during practice sessions? How long are these breaks? What do you do during these breaks?

I usually sing two pieces and then take a five minute break. Total, I’ll usually only take two breaks. I’ll drink water and not sing when I’m taking these breaks.

  • To help ensure a lifetime of healthy music making, what else (beyond taking breaks) can you do to help safeguard your performance health?

I think that limiting practice hours is the best way to protect the voice. So practicing once a day for an hour instead of two or three times is the best way for me personally. I also limit the amount of alcohol I intake the week or a performance.

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