Zoe Rosas Learning Journal 1

What is your unique gift? – Do you believe in it enough to invest everything you have in it?

               I am creative, humble, intelligent, kind, giving, focused, determined, a hard worker, and responsible. I comprise in one package what many people do not have as a whole. Not many people have the ability to go the extra mile and make it work no matter how hard it is like I do. I believe in myself and I believe in my gifts. I believe in them enough to invest everything I have.

What difference are you trying to make in the world? – How passionate are you about doing this?

               I want to inspire others. I want to be able to use my talents for good. For fundraising, to point out an awareness. I want to be able to donate to any cause or charity I believe in. I am very passionate about doing all of that. I really want to successfully do it all and inspire others to do the same. I think about it and it makes me happy.

How do you define success for yourself? – What challenges do you face in order to create success?

               That I am noted as an inspiration to others. Living comfortably from doing what I love to do as a job. I face the challenge that thousands of people want to do the same thing and there are not many open spots. Money can be a challenge when I need it to get to somewhere that can bring me a step forward to a possible success.  

What is career vision and a mission?

               A career vision is what I inspire to pursue and have as my job title. What I see myself doing for a huge part of my life. A mission what I do to get and achieve my career vision.

Can you innovate and create value and successfully communicate that value to intended audiences?

               I believe so. If it is something I have spent time on and truly believe in and am passionate about how could I not be successful in sharing that value with others.

Do you have a positive attitude?

               Yes. A huge thing for me is to be able to find the good, to find the light in everything. I love being positive and happy and I love sharing that with the people I love most. Having a positive attitude is important in my book when it comes to searching for success.

Have you set your goals? What is your road map to success? Can you set inspiring and realistic goals?

               I have set certain goals. After graduation, I want to have an agent no less than a year out. I want to have worked or continue to work in my first professional job. I think my road map to success is to be constantly auditioning and try to go from contract to contract and not be unemployed for too long of a period in between. I want to have built strong and reliable connections that I can trust to go to for work or for guidance. I also want to continue to learn and grow in my abilities as an actress. I want to continuously be evolving. 

Do you have and/or acquire the necessary expertise to actualize your vision?

               I believe I do. I have the passion, the talent, the personality and the drive to actualize my visions and what I want for myself in the future.

What are your priorities? Can you set priorities?

               My priority as of right now is to learn and consume as much knowledge and growth in skill as I can before I graduate. My priority is to audition and perform anywhere I can and land a job.

What opportunities are you looking for? What opportunities are you creating or intend to create?

               Anything new! I want to workshop new works. I want to experience the life of an amusement theme park performer. I want the opportunity and go and sing for a concert out of state. I want the kind of opportunities that help me learn more about myself and challenge myself. I create opportunities for myself by going to auditions. Going to an audition opens a door for possibilities and a possible new opportunity. I make sure to meet and bond with new people that can maybe send me an opportunity my way in the future.

How comfortable are you with uncertainty? What risks are you willing to take?

               The profession I want is full of uncertainty. Will I get the job, how long will I have this job, will I have a job after this first job is finished? It is risky, and I am okay with that. It always sounds crazy, but this uncertain profession is what I want, and I will do what it takes to have it. Audition after audition after audition I will be there.

When facing challenges, do you persevere or do you walk away?

               I will question whether or not to walk away, but in the end I go and I persevere.

What experience have you learned the most from?

               How important networking can be in this field. Networking is a beautiful thing. I always knew it was important, but I never went through it personally and I went through it this past summer. I landed a lead role in a show, because the director has worked with me before, so he already knew what I can do. That I was special, unique. Because of this show I met and bonded with so many wonderful people in the cast and crew. The kind of people that I would help out if I ever made it big time and I know they would do the same if our roles were reversed. In the community people are beginning to know my name now. People have reached out to me because they want to work with me and I would love to with them. It is so exciting.

What actions are you taking to realize your vision? Are you consistently taking action?

               I take classes to work on my craft, to perfect it, expand it. I make sure to meet new people. I work twice as hard at what I do. I practice, practice, practice, and I try, try, try. 

How well do you put things in context? Are you able to easily respond to changes in your environment? What’s your best example?

               I believe I put things into context and can easily respond to the changes in my environment well. I deal with situations like this in theatre all the time. In class I will learn about different techniques in acting. I would work on it in class and perfect it to the best of my ability.   When I’m in a show I take what I have learned in class and apply them to the roles I play on stage.

What is your plan to continually grow and evolve? How have you grown or evolved in the past year or three?

               The plan is to continue to practice and learn as much as I can. To meet and create bonds with new people constantly. To continue to have a positive and energized mindset. I have grown in confidence in myself in the past year. I feel I have met the right people this past year that have helped and supported me to work even harder and to trust that this what I am meant to do. I got to work on new things all the time and it was a blessing because I got to practice the skills I already have and expand them, but I also learned new ones I did not realize I had before. My ability as an actress was always being tested.

How easy is it for you to reach out to others to ask for support and to offer help?

               I will always offer help. I like helping others. Personally, it takes me a bit to ask for help, only because I do not want to feel needy. But I do know that it is important to ask for help when I need it so I will ask.

How are you inspiring others to join and/or support your mission in order to create a financially sustainable enterprise that allows you to live your gift and contribute something valuable to society? – If you aren’t currently, how do you intend to?

               I intend to continue to work hard, learn, and be kind. I will offer help and I will share my own experiences and feelings with others. I will evolve with any changing environments. I will spread positivity whenever and wherever I can.

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1 Comment

  1. There’s some really great things here but think about being more specific and detailing somethings that will help you achieve your goals. Also, you forgot to mention your talents as your gifts!

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