Performance Experience Responses- Zoe Rosas

  1. Describe how you want to experience your next performance. Imagine walking on stage: How do you want to feel physically? What kinds of thoughts do you want to be having? What emotions do you want to experience?

-When I walk onstage, I want to feel tall, confident, and excited. I want to have positive encouraging thoughts while staying calm and relaxed. I am in the zone. I want to feel happy and emotional.

2. How would you like to come across to your audience? What image do you want to convey through your stage entrances, exits, and bows?

-I want to come across as confident, present, in the moment, fresh, new, and different. Through stage entrances, exits, and bows, I want the image of professionalism, confidence, and gratitude.

3. Have you recently videotaped a performance and later watched it with a mentor to discuss your stage presence? If not, when might you be able to do this?

-Yes. In my next lesson we discuss how I felt, what was good, etc. If we were to play it back, we listen more than watch it.

4. How do you experience performance anxiety? Describe your specific symptoms:

  1. Physical

-I get a little sweaty and some butterfly like symptoms. I get a little cold and dry, so I make sure to drink lots of water.

2. Thought Patterns (self-talk)

-I tell myself to do the best I can and to live in the moment. To stay calm, but excited. That nerves are good because it means I care.

3. Feelings

-I feel nervous yet excited and a little antsy because I just want to go and perform and not wait.

5. Of the interventions described for handling anxiety in this chapter, which do you plan to work on?

-Either, circle of excellence or taking a deep breath.

6. Have you ever experienced discomfort during or after practice? What have you done as a result of feeling this discomfort?

-I have gone to rest and relax to stop the negative thoughts. I give myself a break and then return to work and fix what was discomforting.

7. How often do you take breaks during practice sessions? How long are these breaks? What do you do during these breaks?

-I do not take many breaks. My breaks are me taking a moment to breathe in the silence before moving on to a next song to work on. My practices are an hour long.

8. To help ensure a lifetime of healthy music making, what else (beyond taking breaks) can you do to help safeguard your performance health?

-I have a practice of positive thinking in your life in general. I figure out what gets me to relax and be able to disconnect from all the craziness for some selfcare and then safely return to reality. I remind myself why I do this and why I love what I do.

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